computer repair service

How #1 modern ransomware attackers evade your organization

Modern ransomware You might be surprised to learn that just about every reputable antivirus product on the market can reliably stop the majority of ransomware families. In fact, most ransomware authors don’t even try to hide their ransomware through obfuscation or packing, which makes detection fairly straightforward for good antivirus solutions. Why then are so[…]

Two Florida Cities Paid $1.1 Million to Ransomware Hackers This Month

In the last two weeks, Florida has paid more than $1.1 million in bitcoin to cybercriminals to recover encrypted files from two separate ransomware attacks—one against Riviera Beach and the other against Lake City. Lake City, a city in northern Florida, agreed on Monday to pay hackers 42 Bitcoin (equivalent to $573,300 at the current value) to unlock[…]

ran·som·ware Can it affect you?

ran·som·ware ˈransəmˌwe(ə)r/ noun a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. Part 1: The Ransomware Business is Still Booming Nearly 50 percent of organizations have been hit with ransomware Source: Osterman Research According to a June 2016 survey from Osterman Research, almost one[…]