Two Florida Cities Paid $1.1 Million to Ransomware Hackers This Month

In the last two weeks, Florida has paid more than $1.1 million in bitcoin to cybercriminals to recover encrypted files from two separate ransomware attacks—one against Riviera Beach and the other against Lake City. Lake City, a city in northern Florida, agreed on Monday to pay hackers 42 Bitcoin (equivalent to $573,300 at the current value) to unlock[…]

Should i use Malwarebytes?

  Malwarebytes Anti-Malware’s industry-leading anti-malware and anti-spyware scanner detects and removes malware like worms, Trojans, rogues, spyware, bots, and more. Anti-rootkit technology drills down and removes deeply embedded rootkits, one of the most dangerous forms of malware. If you’ve got malware on your computer, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will destroy it. Restoring your computer to its former[…]

ran·som·ware Can it affect you?

ran·som·ware ˈransəmˌwe(ə)r/ noun a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. Part 1: The Ransomware Business is Still Booming Nearly 50 percent of organizations have been hit with ransomware Source: Osterman Research According to a June 2016 survey from Osterman Research, almost one[…]